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The young Francis Bernardone focussed his gaze intensely at the crucified Lord kneeling before the dilapidated chapel of San Damiano. He was confused; he wanted to belong to God completely; love him and serve him… The deep question that kept haunting his heart, Lord, what do you want me to do…? Finally he heard a voice speaking within him, Go and repair my house which is falling into ruins.

  1. Was there any moment you felt the Spirit moving inside you to love God with single-hearted devotion?

  2. Have you, like Francis, ever asked God, Lord, what do you want me to do?

  3. Do you feel the Lord is calling you to the Franciscan way of life, ‘to repair God’s house that is falling to ruin’?

If you feel he is calling you, come join us:

Vocation Promoter
St.Francis Convent
Valiaveli P. O.
Kerala – 695021

Vocation Promoter
Jyoti Bhawan
Jhalap P.O.
Mahasamud Dt.
Chhattisgarh – 492111